Honey Lavender Shortbread Cookie – July COM

Hello Cool Cookie Crunchers, Don’t you just love summertime? Things are so much more relaxed for this cookie baker’s family during this time of year. We throw bedtimes, schedules, and most rigid rules to the wind during the carefree days of summer. We love to just chill out and enjoy the tranquility that only these long lazy […]
Rootbeer Float Cookie – June COM

Hello Cookie Chompers, Summertime is finally here! This cookie chef and her family absolutely love the long, lazy days of summer. We love visiting with family and lounging around the pool with friends. We also really love summertime snacks: especially cold, frosty root beer floats. Those sweet, sticky, creamy floats full of spicy sassafras really hit the […]
Raspberry Lemonade – May COM

Hello Cool Cookie Creatures, In our house, May feels like the longest month of the whole year. Spring break has sailed, and summer break is still weeks away. The days last longer because the sun doesn’t set until late. We are always looking for ways to refresh and recharge in May. What better way than […]
April COM – May Contain Peanuts

Hello Cookie Crunchers, Springtime is finally on the horizon! Here at The Never Ending Cookie Jar, we LOVE spring. North Carolina winters, while not super snowy or unbearable, have this really weird way of sticking around FAR too long. We love when the weather starts to warm a bit and the world around us starts to blossom. […]
March COM – Cosmic Brownie Cookies

Hello Chocolate Cookie Cravers, As the temperatures begin to warm up, our little family spends many nights sitting outside just relishing the quiet trance only a spring evening can bring. We love to spend time star-gazing and pondering what’s really out there in the galaxy. With thoughts of space and galaxies far far away, we are […]
February COM – Very Berry February

Hello Cookie Lovers, February is almost here. Cue the hearts, roses, champagne, and all things cupid. This cookie baker knows what your valentine REALLY wants this year….delicious cookies! We can’t think of a better gift to tell someone just how much you love them. We are tickled to introduce our Very Berry February Cookie of the Month. This cookie […]
December COM – Candy Cane Lane

We are pleased to introduce you to our Candy Cane Lane Cookie. This warm buttery cookie is absolutely loaded with silky white chocolate chunks and just enough peppermint to remind you that it is wintertime. We’ve taken oodles of candy canes and crushed them up on top of these delicious morsels to give these cookies […]
November COM – Party in the Pantry

Hello Cookie Celebrators, November brings with it the onset of the holiday season. This cookier loves to spend extra time partying with friends and family during the holidays. In preparation for the big events, we have stocked our pantry full of yummy goodness. There’s no better way to party than with cookies! The Never Ending […]
October COM – Wake the Bear

Hello Cookie and Coffee Seekers, October is this cookier’s favorite month. I love the cooler temperatures, the changing colors of fall foliage, and of course, Halloween. One thing I don’t love though is the shorter hours of daylight and the super busy schedules. This family relies on their morning cup of joe to give us […]
September COM – Banana Cream Cookies

Hello Cookie Adventurers, September is absolutely bananas! School is back in session for both the Chief Cookie Officer and The Intern. Which means we are bonkers with homework, practices, appointments, and carpool runs. September brings about lots of going, doing, and learning; which makes things feel bananas in our household. With bananas on the brain, we […]